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Article source: Reliance General Insurance
We all thought at the beginning of 2020 that it will be the decade in which technology will advance, or we will set foot on planet Mars or robots will be a household name. But what happened? Just a few months in and we all are stuck inside our home due to the worldwide outbreak of coronavirus pandemic.
So, today we are going to give you some tips that can help you cop-up with coronavirus pandemic in monsoon season.
Maintain Social Distancing:
If you are in essential service or going out of your home for some household errands, make sure you maintain distance from people. Greet people with a head node and smile only. Even if you are going out for dining in monsoon, make sure you sit away from other people.
Take Your Vehicle for Mandatory Monsoon Servicing:
That’s why it is advisable to take your vehicle for ‘monsoon servicing’ so that your vehicle can tackle wet roads. So, get your vehicle checked before you go out in the monsoon.
Wash Or Sanitize Your Hand:
Wear Face Mask:
And wearing a face mask during monsoon is much important as it is proven that coronavirus can travel through humid, and humidity is high in the rainy season. So, make sure you wear a face mask.
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